“Anti-racists in action” are gathered here, social actors who already develop consolidated teaching practices and can share experiences applied in the most diverse territories. Thus, the alliance expands into a network, strengthening all those who promote anti-racist educational ecosystems.
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Improvement and implementation of public education policies that guarantee quality, equity and contextualized provision, through influence and/or support for policy makers and educational authorities at all levels, thus ensuring the implementation of anti-racist and sensitive public educational policies to gender. These policies must consider the axes of strengthening the legal frameworks of anti-racist education, training programs for education professionals, production of teaching and para-teaching material, democratic management and social participation, monitoring and evaluation of equity indicators and institutional conditions with financial investments , human and material.
Intergenerational dialogue about racism, gender and education is developed in homes, schools, workplaces and in the media through national dialogue and advocacy on issues in education and society. Thus, intolerance to racism, gender-based violence, inequalities and rights violations will be built and the defense of the promotion of social, racial and gender justice in Brazilian society will be built.
Black, quilombola and indigenous children, young people and students involved in transforming communities and school culture, so that they are anti-racist and equitable, ensuring the recognition of their knowledge and protagonism as essential elements to achieve the expected changes.